Creating, Copying, Editing and Deleting Base Menus

Base Menus are intended to provide menu planners with a template for their cycle menus organized by grade group and meal session. Base Menus are analyzed against National School Lunch and School Breakfast program guidelines. 

This article describes how to perform the following functions:

Creating a Base Menu

  1. From the Base Menus module, click the plus sign button on the bottom right hand side of your screen
  2. When the base menu flyout window opens, enter the following: 
    1. Menu Name (Alphanumeric open text field) 
    2. Meal Session (Options are breakfast, lunch, snack, supper)
    3. Grade Range 
      1. If Breakfast is selected for meal session, options are K-5, K-8, K-12, 6-8, 9-12, and Adult
      2. If Lunch, Snack or Supper are selected for meal session, options are K-5, K-8, 6-8, 9-12, and Adult
    4. Select the Menu Operating Days
      1. By default Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday will be auto-selected. Select or de-select as necessary
  3. Click the Create button


Copying a Base Menu

  1. From the Base Menus module, click the additional options menu (3 dots icon) of the appropriate base menu and select Copy Base Menu
  2. Enter a base menu name if different from the base menu you copied from (original base menu name will automatically appear but is editable)
  3. Select a school year from the down down list if different from the base menu you copied from (original base menu school year will automatically appear but is editable)
  4. Select a grade range from the drop down list if different from the base menu you copied from (original base menu grade range will automatically appear but is editable)
  5. Click the Copy button



Editing a Base Menu

  1. From the Base Menus module, click the additional options menu (3 dots icon) of the appropriate base menu and select the Edit link
    1. Alternatively, you can click on the name of the base menu
  2. You will be taken to the base menu work sheet where you can make the desired changes


Deleting a Base Menu

  1. From the Base Menus module, click the additional options menu (3 dots icon) of the appropriate base menu and select the Delete link
  2. Review the warning message and click the Delete button to perform this function 


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