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CNCentral Choosi
Choosi Bulk Order Setup Instructions
This guide is intended for inTEAM internal consultants and should not be distributed to customers and
clients. The functions contained within can only be performed by users with inTEAM users and will not be
visible to users with any other credentials in CNCentral. Last, this guide assumes some knowledge of
CNCentral v5 and v6 as well as knowledge of how to create Choosi combos in v6.
Configure Sub-Sites and Teacher Accounts for Bulk Ordering
1. Click on “Sites” under the Setup Category from the left-hand side menu bar. Click on the three
dots icon for the building you are configuring bulk ordering for and click “View”.
Note: All buildings will first need to be configured in v5. For information on creating buildings in
districts in v5, click here: District and Building Setup Instructions
2. Click to the Choosi Configuration tab. Change the Order Cut-off Day, Cut-off Time, Order and
Window Duration accordingly for each meal session available in the app.
a. Cut-off Day – Determines what day orders can no longer be placed by teachers.
b. Cut-off Time – Determines the time on the day configured above that orders can no
longer be placed. When this time passes, no further orders can be placed.
c. Order Window Duration – Determines how far into the future orders can be placed.
3. Click the blue plus sign button on the bottom right hand side of the screen to configure SubSites (sub-sites are the teacher classrooms that will be logging in to place orders)
4. From the pop-out window, enter a Sub-Site Name and select “Choosi-Bulk Order” from the
drop-down menu under Sub-Site Type. Select to Save & Edit to continue configuring this SubSite or click Save & Close to save this site and close the window.
Note: The Sub-Site Name should describe the teacher name or classroom which will be displayed
in the reports. It’s important you speak to the district to determine the correct nomenclature for
this field.
5. Select the appropriate meal sessions that will be displayed in the Choosi app for this Sub-Site. If
there is a maximum order limit per Sub-Site, enter that into the Max Order Limit box. If “0” is
entered, there will be no maximum number of orders that can be placed for this site.
Create a teacher account to link to this Sub-Site by clicking the blue plus sign button on the
bottom right side of your screen and selecting “Add Staff Account” button.
Note: Creating a staff account here, creates a user account in the Choosi app. The username and
password you create for this user will need to be provided to the teacher who will be placing bulk
orders for their classroom.
7. Enter a teacher first name, last name, email address and assign this user a username and
password. It is recommended to use the teacher’s email as the username. Click the Save & Close
button when complete.
Note: The teacher will be required to change the password upon logging into the app for the first
8. Repeat step 6 as necessary for each person who will be ordering meals at this Sub-Site.
9. When all Sub-Site teacher accounts have been created, click the Save & Close button at the top
right side of your screen.
10. Repeat steps 2-8 for each Sub-Site and teacher account you’d like to create.
Once completed please check out Configuring Combo Meals for Bulk Ordering to configure Combo Meals