The initial username and password are setup in the format:
Username: [first name][last name][2 digit day of birth]
Password 8-Digit Date of birth in the format [mmddyyyy]
An example of a username / password for John Doe born on 01/01/2010 is:
johndoe01 / 01012010
If you have forgotten your username:
Click on the Forgot Password/Username link from the mobile app. Under the Forgot Username header, enter the email address associated with the account. Click the Request Username button and an email will be sent to the email account on file containing your username. If you don't have an email address on file or you enter the wrong email address into the email field, you'll get a notification that an account with that email address was not found. If you know you entered your email correctly, you'll need to contact Choosi Support to retrieve your Username.
If you have forgotten your password:
Please go to or click on the Forgot Password/Username link from the mobile app. Under the Forgot Password header, enter your username into the username field and select whether you want your password sent in an email (if you've entered an email onto the account) or if you want to answer the security question (if you've setup a security question). If you choose to answer your security question, upon correctly answering it, you'll be taken to a reset password screen where you can enter a new password and confirm the new password. If you choose to have your password sent to you via email, you'll need to check your email and following the link contained in the email. From there, you'll enter a new password for the account and verify that new password.
If you are not able to correctly answer your security question or don't receive an email, please contact Choosi Support and provide the following information:
- First Name
- Last Name
- Date of Birth
- District/School Enrolled