This guide will walk you through the steps to upload the latest Product updates. By following these steps, you’ll ensure that your system stays up-to-date with the most accurate and current information.
Step 1: Uploading latest ingredient and stock Item updates:
- Navigation: Menu Planning à Global Catalog à Pending Updates
- Click On “Choose File” button and select the revised updates received from GDSN Support contact
- Click on “Upload” button
- The system will show a confirmation message if the upload is successful
- File Formats Supported: CSV Only
- The revised upload file should have the same headers / format as exported
- Ensure there are NO duplicate Ingredient ID or Stock item ID exists in the updated file before it gets uploaded
- Warning – the GTIN field may get converted to exponential format if csv file is opened in excel, the user should ensure they are formatted again before it gets saved
- The ingredients or stock items uploaded should be part of existing local ingredients or stock items (new items cannot be created using this upload)
Step 2: Searching for updates:
- Navigation: Menu Planning à Global Catalog à Pending Updates
- Select “Local” under Data Source dropdown
- Select “3rd Party Sources” under Data Provider dropdown
- Once selected, the system shall show the latest updates received
- User click on Refresh button to get the latest updates for each data upload they do on this screen
Step 3: Updating an Ingredient / Stock Item:
- Pre-Requisite: Complete step 4
- Click on Counts that are shown under “Ingredient Changes” or “Stock Item Changes” fields
- The system shall show a dialog with all the latest changes against the selected ingredient
- The ingredient tab shall show the count of changes applicable for Ingredient
- The Stock Item tab shall show the count of changes applicable for Stock Items
- The documents tab shall show the latest image available for updates (it supports 1 image per upload)
- The user can select the desired updates by clicking on “Overwrite” check boxes provided against each attribute
- Click on “Update” button on the dialog
- The system shall show a confirmation message if the ingredient or stock item is updated successfully
- The record shall continue to show up in Search screen until all the attributes are accepted and the page is refreshed
- The user cannot update Nutrition or Contribution without selecting the serving size (the system shall automatically disable them if the user deselects “Serving Size” attributes
- Milk Types (Ex: Flavored) or Deserts or Veg Juice should have a valid Menu item linked to see the updates, only main Meal Credits shall be updated under Nutrient Tab otherwise
- An update is possible on the following scenarios:
- An ingredient linked with stock item
- A standalone stock item that is NOT linked with any ingredients
- A standalone ingredient that is NOT linked with any stock item (rare business scenario)
Stock Item Info Tab:
Documents Tab: