Titan > Exporting Data from Titan

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YesGDSN Connect

Within this article, you will discover a detailed set of guidelines elucidating the process of exporting data from the Titan software.

To generate the export file from Titan for the first time, you must use the Item Data export tool and manually configure the report and select the columns to include in the file. At the end of this process, you can save the configuration as a template, which will make it easier to run the report the next time.

Running the Export for the First Time

This guide is designed to provide you with clear step-by-step instructions to help you seamlessly integrate Titan Software into GDSN Connect by setting up an export template. By following these instructions carefully, you will be able to easily export data from Titan Software and ensure that your data is accurate and up to date in GDSN Connect.
1. Sign into https://portal.titank12.com/Login Once you sign in, your dashboard will be displayed.

2. Select "Reports" from the Left-hand toolbar. Click on the "Item" tab to see the options in the dropdown menu. 

3. Select "Item Data". Click on the "Item Data" tab to open the page.

4. Set up an export template. On the Item Data page, follow these steps to set up an export template:
a. For the "Name" field, select "Item Data" from the drop-down menu.
b. For "Output," select "CSV."
c. For "Delimiter," select "Comma."
d. For "Escape," select the carat “ ^ ”

e. In the "Columns" section, select the following fields in this EXACT order:

* Item may or may not say Preferred 

** If Item Allergies is not available as a column, then you may exclude it from the report. 

f. In the "Sort" section, select "Item Name."

g. In the "Format" section, select the following:
i. - Paper Format: Letter
ii. - Orientation: Portrait
iii. - Check “Include Header”
iv. - Uncheck "Include Footer"
v. - Uncheck "Include Filter"
h.  Click Save As Template, naming it "GDSN Connect."
**If you want others in your district to be able to run the report, then you can check this "Public" if not leave unchecked.
i. The template saves the need to repeat all these steps in the future.
j. Click "Request Report" to complete the process.

When generating the report, it is important to keep in mind that the loading time may vary depending on the amount of items in your district. Please be patient and allow the report to be fully loaded before proceeding to the next steps. It is recommended that you avoid navigating away from the page or closing the report prematurely as this could result in incomplete data or errors in the report.
Once the report has fully loaded, please follow the instructions provided in the Error! Reference source not found. section.
CAUTION: Do not open the file in Excel as it may accidentally result in the loss of some crucial information.

Running the Export Using a Template

NOTE: If you make any modifications to the current GDSN Connect Template, it is recommended to follow the best practice of creating an entirely new GDSN Connect template using the provided instructions above.

Here are steps to generate the export from a template that was called “GDSN Connect”.
Select “Reports” from the Left-hand toolbar then select “Report Templates” tab.
1. Find GDSN Connect template.
2. Click on the pencil icon located next to the report.
3. The parameters screen will open, allowing you to make any necessary adjustments.
4. Select “Request Report”
NOTE: To save the changes made to the template, please click on the “Update Template” button.
Once you have the export file, please follow the instructions provided in the Error! Reference source not found. section.
CAUTION: Do not open the file in Excel as it may accidentally result in the loss of some crucial information.

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