Inventory > What Does a Red Exclamation Point Next to an Inventory Unit Mean?

Items and purchase units are imported into CNCentral during the initial onboarding process. When this occurs, districts who have purchased and are using the Inventory module will see all of their inventory units automatically populated in the Inventory Module. In the Inventory Module, if you have an inventory unit that has a red exclamation point on the far right hand side of the screen in line with a purchase unit, this indicates that there is an issue with the inventory or purchase unit. Hovering over the exclamation point will provide detail as to what the issue is so it is easy to correct.  

Below are some of the possible causes of a red exclamation point error notification:

Invalid Inventory Setup Value Flag - This refers to an issue in how an items inventory setup is configured. It could be related to any of the inventory setup values including servings per inventory unit, servings per purchase unit, calculated net weight, or inventory units per purchase unit values. 

Procurement Category Not Assigned Flag - This refers to an issue with an inventory units GPC code. For more information on procurement categories and GPC codes, click here

Price Not Setup for Default Vendor Flag - This indicates that a price is missing for an inventory unit.




Fixing an Invalid Inventory Setup

  1. From the Inventory Module, click the three dots addition info item of the appropriate inventory unit and click to Edit mceclip1.png
  2. Click over to the Inventory Setup tab and locate the source of the issue which will have a red exclamation point denoting that there is an issue with a certain piece of data mceclip2.png
  3. Correct the inventory setup to that it accurately reflects the true inventory unit's values for servings per inventory unit, inventory units per purchase unit, servings per purchase unit, and/or nominal net weight (if the calculated net weight was the cause of the flag, updating the nominal net weight and servings per purchase unit will correct the calculated net weight which is an uneditable field)
  4. When all fields appear as desired and no red exclamation points are flagging any data on the page, click the Save button to save all changes to this inventory unit mceclip3.png

Fixing a Procurement Category Issue

  1. From the Inventory Module, click the three dots addition info item of the appropriate inventory unit and click to Edit mceclip1.png
  2. From the General Info tab and under the Procurement Category header, click on the drop down menu to assign this inventory unit to a procurement category  mceclip4.png
  3. When the Procurement Category has been selected and the red exclamation point has disappeared, click the Save button to save all changes to this inventory unit mceclip5.png

Fixing a Missing Price

  1. From the Inventory Module, click the three dots addition info item of the appropriate inventory unit and click to Edit mceclip1.png
  2. Click over to the Vendors tab, then click on the name of the Vendor (note: clicking on the Vendor name will move you from the Inventory Module into the Vendors Database) mceclip0.png
  3. Click on the Purchase Units tab, then locate the Purchase Unit from the list of Purchase Units and click on it mceclip1.png
  4. Click on the +Add Price button. In the fly out window, select a Contract from list (if applicable) or enter an Effective Date (note: selecting a contract will autofill the Effective Date). Enter a price and click the Save button to save your changes mceclip3.png
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