CNCentral > Purchase Unit Import Results

CNCentral supports the import of P/U's (Purchase Units) directly into the Vendors Module which populates the item database when a GTIN or Generic Item ID is provided. For instructions on importing item Purchase Units click here. When item P/Us are imported using the P/U upload, upon completion of the upload you will see an assigned status of the P/U which indicates how that P/U was handled and whether or not it got imported. The options for status are: Added, Updated, Bad Item Data, Bad PU Data, or No Match. Below are the definitions of what each status means and what actions (if any) will need to be taken: 

  • Added - Indicates the P/U and corresponding item was added to the database
  • Updated - Indicates the P/U was added to an existing item
  • Bad Item Data - Indicates a matched item is missing required data and the P/U upload was skipped
    • Can happen if: 
      • Inventory setup from the manufacturer is bad
      • Nominal weight missing from manufacturer
    • You will need to: 
      • Manually add the item to the Item Database by searching for it via GTIN. Manually configure the Purchase Units in the Purchase Units tab of the item detail
  • Bad PU Data - Indicates the P/U data is incomplete or not the correct format and the P/U was skipped in the import
    • Can happen if: 
      • No GTIN is provided and Use_Generic? field is blank
      • Use_Generic? field is not blank but Generic_Item_ID and/or Generic_Case_Net_Weight_Lbs is blank
    • You will need to: 
      • Review the upload spreadsheet and enter any missing information. Re-upload with completed data or enter manually in the Item Database
  • No Match - Purchase Unit was not matched to an item and the P/U upload was skipped
    • Can happen if: 
      • The item isn't in the GDSN or Generic databases
    • You will need to: 
      • Speak to your inTEAM consultant

NOTE: This process will currently not work for any item previously created and entered into the Item Database manually (using the +Add New Item button). You will need to manually enter the P/U for any manually created items. 

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