CNCentral > Entering Labor Hours

Entering labor hours for each meal session for each day of the week is a best practice so a district can understand how many Meals Per Labor Hour (MPLH) they serve which is an important Key Performance Indicator (KPI). When each building in a district enters Labor Hours into CNCentral, CNCentral will automatically calculate MPLH by the building and this information is available in the KPI's module.  

Entering Daily Labor Hours in the Production Record

  1. Click to view the Menu Calendar. Use the drop down menus at the top of the Menu Calendar to select the appropriate: 
    1. Date (by default you'll see the current month)
      1. Change the month and year by using the arrows or the month/year drop down menus
    2. Meal Session (by default, you'll see the Breakfast Menu Calendar)
      1. Change the meal session by clicking the drop down menu and selecting Breakfast, Lunch, Supper, or Snack
    3. Site (if you manage more than a single building you'll see the first building alphabetically that you manage)
      1. If applicable, change the Site by clicking on the drop down menu and selecting the correct building
    4. Menu (if there is more than one menu for a particular week for a particular meal session, by default you'll see the production summary calendar for the first menu alphabetically)
      1. If applicable, change the Menu by clicking on the drop down menu under the appropriate date range to the left of the calendar 
  2. Click on the "Production Record" link on the day you'll be entering Labor Hours data for
  3. Click on the Labor Hours hyperlink on the top right hand side of the screen  mceclip0.png
  4. From the fly-out screen, enter the labor hours by meal session (note: only meal sessions with a menu planned will be displayed for labor hour data entry) mceclip1.png 
  5. Click the Save button
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