Building Manager - Production Record > Entering Production Record Data

Up to date as of 12/2021

Production Record data can be captured either in CNCentral or the Daily Wrap Up app. Districts and buildings may choose which method for production record data entry works the best for their operation. Below are the instructions for entering PR data into CNCentral by a site Manager. For instructions on using the Daily Wrap Up app to record PR data, click here.


Prior to Meal Service

  1. Click to view the Menu Calendar. Use the drop down menus at the top of the Menu Calendar to select the appropriate: 
    1. Date (by default you'll see the current month)
      1. Change the month and year by using the arrows or the month/year drop down menus
    2. Meal Session (by default, you'll see the Breakfast Menu Calendar)
      1. Change the meal session by clicking the drop down menu and selecting Breakfast, Lunch, Supper, or Snack
    3. Site (if you manage more than a single building you'll see the first building alphabetically that you manage)
      1. If applicable, change the Site by clicking on the drop down menu and selecting the correct building
    4. Menu (if there is more than one menu for a particular week for a particular meal session, by default you'll see the production summary calendar for the first menu alphabetically)
      1. If applicable, change the Menu by clicking on the drop down menu under the appropriate date range to the left of the calendar mceclip0.png
  2. Click on the "Production Record" link on the day you'll be entering data for
  3. From the Production Tab of the Production Record, enter Adult/A La Carte Portions planned where for each item/recipe on the Production Record as applicable. Click the Save button when complete
    1. If there are no Adult/A La Carte meals to add, you can leave all open fields in the column blank. A blank field = 0.
    2. The added Adult/A La Carte numbers will auto-populate the Total Portions to Prepare column and the Prepared Portions column on the Post Production Tab


After Meal Service

  1. Click to view the Menu Calendar. Use the drop down menus at the top of the Menu Calendar to select the appropriate: 
    1. Date (by default you'll see the current month)
      1. Change the month and year by using the arrows or the month/year drop down menus
    2. Meal Session (by default, you'll see the Breakfast Menu Calendar)
      1. Change the meal session by clicking the drop down menu and selecting Breakfast, Lunch, Supper, or Snack
    3. Site (if you manage more than a single building you'll see the first building alphabetically that you manage)
      1. If applicable, change the Site by clicking on the drop down menu and selecting the correct building
    4. Menu (if there is more than one menu for a particular week for a particular meal session, by default you'll see the production summary calendar for the first menu alphabetically)
      1. If applicable, change the Menu by clicking on the drop down menu under the appropriate date range to the left of the calendar mceclip0.png
  2. Click on the "Production Record" link on the day you'll be entering data for
  3. From the Post Production Tab of the Production Record, enter the following data for each item/recipe on the Production Record:
    1. L/O Portions - Portions that are left over and therefore not served 
    2. Wasted Portions - Portions that were not usable due to spillage, burning, etc.
    3. Student Served Portions - Portions served to students during the meal session
    4. Adult Served Portions - Portions served to Adults during the meal session
    5. A La Carte Served Portions - Portions served to students as A La Carte
    6. If there are no L/O Portions, Wasted Portions, Adult Served Portions, A La Carte Portions to claim, you can leave all open fields in those column blank. A blank field = 0. This is not true for the Student Served Portions column and each item/recipe will have to have a value entered into this column
  4. Click on the Labor Hours link on the top right hand side of your screen. Enter the Labor Hours (the total number of labor hours used by all staff to prepare and serve the meals for this meal session) into the appropriate meal session box and click the Save button.
  5. When data entry is complete, review the Post-Production Tab for issues denoted by a red exclamation point to the left of the item/recipe or a red outline of the data entry fields mceclip2.png
  6. Once all data is reconciled and there are no longer any red boxes or red exclamation points, click the Save button to save your changes
  7. When all daily post production data has been entered, click the Complete Record button
  8. From the flyout menu, enter the following information:
    1. Total Served Portions (Reimbursable Meals) - Enter the total claimed reimbursables meals for the day for the meal session
      1. Note: The Total Served Portions (Reimbursable Meals) number should reflect only the total number of fully reimbursable meals and may not match what's entered into a POS which could be the total number of students to go through the line but not necessary the total number of reimbursable meals.
    2. A La Carte Sales - Total monies collected during the meal session from A La Carte sales
  9. From the flyout menu, click the check box to certify the information as accurate and complete. Click the Complete button when ready
  10. The data entered will become read-only and you will no longer be able to adjust the quantities entered without re-opening the PR
    1. To re-open the PR, click the View Summary button and click the Reopen button




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