Editing your planned numbers directly affects your districts forecast used for ordering purposes. A best practice would be to have your planned numbers finalized on the Menu Calendar at least 6 weeks prior to production for accurate forecasting and ordering.
For your convenience, CNCentral takes your buildings average daily participation numbers and applies that to the menu plan as planned by your districts Menu Planner for a "best guess" of how many entrees, sides, milks, and condiments will be served. You will still need to review and edit as necessary to ensure the planned numbers are accurate with what you actually intend on serving on a given day of the week.
The planned numbers entered into the menu calendar will also inform and pre-populate the production record for the menu.
To edit your daily planned numbers:
- Login to CNCentral
- Navigate to the Menu Calendar module by clicking on it from the left side black menu bar
- Use the filters on the top of the menu calendar to filter for the correct building, meal session, and date. Note: If you are a District Admin (DA) user or a Building Admin (BA) user with multiple buildings, you'll need to toggle between the different buildings. If you are a BA user and only manage a single building, you will not need to switch between buildings, only meal sessions.
- Edit the daily/weekly planned numbers by clicking the "Menu" hyperlink of the day or week that needs editing. Note: Clicking the "Menu" hyperlink on a particular day will open a weekly menu so if you need to edit multiple days planned numbers in a single week you can do that by clicking on a single days "Menu" hyperlink.
- Scroll down the page through the daily offerings (entrees, sides, milks, and misc. items) a edit the planned numbers as necessary. Click the green arrow next to the planned numbers open field to save the changes entered in.
- Repeat as necessary for each item on a daily menu for each day of the week. You can go to other days of the week by clicking on the daily tab or by going back to the Menu Calendar and clicking on another day of the week.