Administrator - CNCentral > Designating the Creditable Component for an Item That Can Have More Than One Designation

CNCentral allows menu planners the ability to choose the component an item credits towards if it can credit towards more than one component. An example of this would be pinto beans that can credit as a M/MA or as a Veg Beans/Peas. Another example would be a breakfast protein that can credit as a M/MA - Grain or a M/MA - Extra. 

When items are imported into the local Item Database, a designation is made at that time as to what creditable component will be stored with that item. If the menu planner puts that item on a menu and wishes to change the creditable component on the menu, but not change the creditable component of the item itself, that change happens at the Menu level.

*It is a best practice to change the component designation on the Base Menu so that change gets copied out to the various Menu Calendars of the various buildings. 

To change an item component designation on a Base Menu: 

  1. Go to the Base Menus module and locate the Base Menu you'd like to edit an item on. Click the menu name to open the weekly menu worksheet
  2. Click to the day of the week the item appears on and click on the item name when located
  3. Click on the Nutrients & Meal Components tab
  4. Click on the drop-down list and select the component that you'd like the credit the item towards (note: you'll only be given options from the drop down that are acceptable alternative components)
  5. Click the Save button to save the changes to this menu

This same process may be used to change the item component designation from a Production Menu on the Menu Calendar. 

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